To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.

- Buddha

Monday, January 4, 2010

Right on, Ari

Today's post will be short and sweet (much like me!), as work beckons to me so that I can continue to pay for things such as lights and an ample tofu supply. My victory of the day was the awesome breakfast of "scrambled" tofu, zucchini, and onions with chili powder and garlic, which Dylan and I promptly devoured. It was absolutely delicious, and I think it will be my new breakfast staple around here.

The other thing I want to share is an excerpt from Ari Solomon's article in the January 5, 2010, edition of The Huffington Post, "Who You Callin' Vegangelical."

"So, who's the real extremist? The person who tries to stop unnecessary suffering by cutting out animal products, or the person who says, "I like the way that tastes, so a sentient being needs suffer and die?"

Who's the real fundamentalist? The person who simply speaks the truth about where food comes from, or the person who knowingly chooses to ignore it, listening only to the falsehoods of the meat and dairy clergy? Isn't the latter more akin to choosing to believe the earth is 5,000 years old despite clear evidence to the contrary?"

Off to dream of more zucchini tofu scramble in the morning...


  1. You know, i think some people just don't care. They're like "what ? Suffering ? Oh well"... they don't care, or they don't want to because if they did, there would be no way back to the time they didn't know and they would HAVE to change. And changing may be hard.

    Love from a quite desperate french vegan.

  2. Sadly, I think you are right. I think a lot of people choose to ignore the information because it is too hard to really process the thought of what is going on.

    Always glad to meet a fellow vegan!
