To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.

- Buddha

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello blogosphere!

I am not someone who ever thought that I would write a blog. It just really isn't my style. After all, who wants to read about my relatively dull and mundane existence in Alaska (which we all know is a frozen wasteland from which I can see Russia). So, why am I writing a blog then? I feel the need to share my new vegan journey with others, even if the only person that reads this is my husband and the friends I guilt into it.

I am a relatively new vegan (3 days to be exact). Of course, I dabbled in college... but didn't we all? I hope to share my struggles, triumphs, recipes, and adventures being a vegan in a decidedly conservative, meat-eating state.

Here is the rundown:
1. Work at home mom to a remarkably busy 1-year-old boy.
2. Married to an amazing (albeit meat-eating) husband.
3. Companion to 3 rescue dogs and 1 rescue cat. I own a really great vacuum out of necessity.
4. I curse more than is really necessary, and should probably get an anchor tattooed on my arm.

So, if anyone should read this... so begins the Alaskan Vegan adventure!


  1. I am already intrigued with your journey and how it can influence my own life. You go girl!

  2. Thank you sissy. I am a woman on a mission! It means so much to me that you support me in this and that your mind is open to all the possibilities!
